
Mutual respect and social networking

Nautilus International is opposed to prejudice-based discrimination, and has adopted policies on mutual respect, equal opportunities and social networking to put this commitment into practice.

Mutual respect

The policy is fully described in Rule 33 (Code of Conduct) and the supporting Regulation 12 (10) and outlines the sort of behaviour expected from staff and members. The Union is opposed to any discrimination based on age, colour, disability, marital status, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race or creed.

Nautilus also follows the industry-wide ETF/ECSA Guidelines on Eliminating Workplace Harassment and Bullying, and has produced the Protect and Respect guide, which helps members identify and tackle bullying and harassment in the maritime workplace.

The mutual respect policy as detailed in Regulation 12 applies to all delegates and participants, women and men, in Nautilus meetings, activities and social gatherings, and Nautilus Welfare Fund activities – wherever they may take place.

Social networking

We welcome and will engage in constructive discussions and criticism on social media, but will not tolerate any form of aggressive or bullying behaviour via these channels towards the Union, our staff, members or any other user.

Examples of such behaviour are covered in the mutual respect policy and can also include (but are not limited to):

  • harassment
  • defamatory remarks
  • rude or aggressive posts or comments
  • insensitive jokes and pranks
  • insulting or aggressive behaviour,
  • inappropriate public criticism
  • unsupported accusations and falsehoods

We reserve the right to remove any offending posts or comments at our complete discretion and report such behaviour to the social networking authority if/when deemed necessary.

We reserve the right to remove repetitive posts (including spamming) that we consider irrelevant to the nature of the organisation. We also prohibit content such as commercials, endorsements of political parties, candidates or groups, content which breaches copyright, solicitation of funds, and comments on investigations of any sort.

The views expressed by other users are not automatically endorsed by Nautilus International and are deemed only the opinion of the individual.

We do not participate in, encourage or condone any behaviour that is illegal, dangerous or offensive, and we will remove links to websites that express views which compromise the Nautilus International mission or go beyond the boundaries of acceptable debate by being disrespectful or derogatory.

All requests for professional advice are responded to by officials of Nautilus International and our responses to enquiries are correct at the time of posting.

In posting your comments or content to any of our social networking channels, you irrevocably grant Nautilus International permission to copy, distribute, make derivatives of or display such content publicly via any of our communication channels (websites, Nautilus International Telegraph, flyers or any other printed material).

We may ban, block or delete any user (including members) from our social networking channels if they are deemed to have violated this policy.

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