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Maritime non-fiction / Guides and textbooks

Mastering a move ashore

Ship Superintendency - An Introduction by Mike Wall

The maritime career path can lead in many directions – and work as a ship superintendent has long been a popular choice for former seafarers seeking a move ashore. There are probably few people better placed than Mike Wall to provide insight on how to make that move.

Maritime non-fiction / Guides and textbooks

Lift your knowledge

Marine Heavy Lift and Rigging Operations by David J. House

The introductory pages of this new edition contain a list of some prominent heavy lift casualties and incidents over the past 40 years which serves to underline the importance of this excellent guide to the safe movement of large loads and successful lift operations.

Maritime non-fiction / Guides and textbooks

Get a handle on your ship skills

Practical Ship Handling by Malcolm C. Armstrong

First published 40 years ago, this admirably clear and straightforward guide now appears as a fourth edition, reflecting its continued relevance at a time when changes in the industry mean many ‘super-sized’ ships are being handled in harbours that were designed for much smaller vessels.

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bookshop_logo2.pngDid you know that there's an online bookshop just for maritime books? What's more, any retailer profits from selling the books go to the maritime educational charity Marine Society rather than being scooped up by big business. Hosted by the Martine Society Shop, the Nautilus Bookshop stocks all the books reviewed on these pages - some of which aren't available anywhere else. Take a look now to buy or just browse.

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