Nautilus news

P&O Ferries short sea liaison officer Paul Dilks steps down

28 February 2020

Nautilus has honoured Paul Dilks, P&O Ferries short sea liaison officer, following his decision to step down after twenty years of loyal service.

'Lay reps like Paul Dilks are the lifeblood of this union,' Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson said. 'We would be weaker without them and I have the utmost respect and deep appreciation to Paul for his dedication to Nautilus over the many years he has been a liaison officer. I wish him all the very best.'

Nautilus national ferry organiser Micky Smyth, and P&O liaison officers Phil Lees and Chris Lewis, presented Mr Dilks with a token of esteem and thanks on behalf of the union and members.

Mr Dilks said: 'After some considerable thought, I feel that the time has come for me to step down from my position as chair and liaison officer of the short sea LOC.

'I have been on the committee for about 20 years now, and chair for some 15 years. I have seen P&O Ferries go through many changes and upheavals in that time. I think that now is a good time for a new chair to take on the growing challenges certain to be facing the company in the near future.

'I also feel it is appropriate for me to reduce my workload, in line with my change to part time working.

'During my time on the committee, it has been an honour and a privilege to assist and represent members of our union of maritime professionals, and a pleasure to work alongside Micky Smyth as national ferry organiser.

'I intend to remain an active member of Nautilus International to assist and advise whenever the need arises."

Mr Smyth added that it had been a privilege to have worked with Mr Dilks for almost 20 years. He will continue to call on Paul for assistance due to his vast knowledge and experience of the company.


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