Nautilus news

Nautilus members confirm commitment to one global transboundary union

10 October 2019

Nautilus International members have voted unanimously to grow as one global transboundary maritime union in order to face the coming future challenges for shipping.

Deputy general secretary Marcel van den Broek spoke on behalf of the motion at the Union's 2019 General Meeting in Rotterdam, and called on members support the strategic plan and the motion to drive the union forward as 'one global Union and global workforce.'

Applying for memberships needs to become 'as natural as applying for a job', added Mr van den Broek.

'Since becoming one Union in 2009 we have been clear that being one Union is the only way to represent unions in the shipping industry and we are now taking that vision forward and developing new ways of serving members that will demand our continued relevance.'

The motion recognises that in a globalised industry such as shipping, the models of union organisation which have been pioneered by Nautilus provide an effective counterbalance to the fragmented and complex chains of ship ownership, management and operation, and the internationalised nature of members’ employment.

Member Ian smith seconded the motion, and it was endorsed from the floor by another member Clive Evans.

Members agreed their appreciation for the work done to develop transboundary unity among maritime professionals in the 10 years since Nautilus International was created.

Nautilus International celebrated its tenth anniversary in May 2019. 

Before the motion, members were shown a new video outlining the Union's future strategic agreed priorities over the next four years to grow as one Union, be strong, influential and future proof in all its maritime sectors.

The GM 2019 motion reflects the newly agreed strategic priorities over the next four years to grow as one Union, be strong, influential and future proof in all our maritime sectors.

The successful motion acknowledged that: 'Globalisation can and does impact on all aspects of members' employment wherever they work, and while action by the Union at the international level is essential, it must go hand in hand with strong and effective organising at local, national and regional levels.'

The meeting noted the many challenges that the Union faces in maintaining its support, services and benefits to members, and welcomed the thorough work done by the Council to identify the financial, demographic, recruitment, strategic and organisational challenges.

Members also endorsed the Nautilus Council's Strategic Plan and 2030 Vision as a framework for a sustainable future. They called upon the Union to implement its conclusions and continue its programme of improvements and developments of services for members and future members.

The meeting also endorsed the Union's further planned work to build strong and supportive partnerships and cooperation with like-minded organisations including those representing maritime professionals around the world.

It agreed proposals by the Council to become more efficient, reduce costs without compromising on the high levels of support for members – notably, collaboration and partnerships with other like-minded organisations – technological innovation, and making governance more efficient and engaging for the members.


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