Nautilus news

Lightbulb moment wins Nautilus/Inmarsat photo competition

10 October 2019

Nautilus ferry sector member Marino Giorgetti's chance snap of himself carrying out routine maintenance onboard literally turned out to be his lightbulb moment – winning him the 2019 Nautilus/Inmarsat photo competition.

The winning photo shows the Calmac Ferries Third Mate while he was up the main mast of a Caledonian MacBrayne M/V Isle of Arran ferry changing a lightbulb. It was the lucky one of 12 photos he submitted from his nine years at sea, and hands him the first prize windfall of £1,250.

Winning image by Marino Giorgetti

The photo beat nearly 400 entries from members and seafarers in a wide variety of Merchant Navy industries showing seafarers at work on vessels in all kinds of weather.

The other prize winners were

  • Second prize: Nautilus Member Simon Lowden – for his photo illustrating an abandon ship training drill
  • Third prize: Nautilus Member Luke Short – with his snap of Canadian Mooring operations

Nautilus International general secretary Mark Dickinson congratulated Mr Giorgetti for his success and noted how all the winning images illustrate the Union's key message of how Seafarers often work far from home away from families in order to deliver 95% of the world's goods.

Second place - Simon Lowden's training drill image

'Seafarers are the unsung heroes of the global economy, keeping the lights on and families fed around the world.

'Their service should be celebrated in all its forms, and Nautilus International is proud of its long history in raising public and political awareness of the shipping industry and the essential role played by merchant seafarers.'

Inmarsat marketing and PR director Mark Warner said: ‘Nautilus Member Marino Giorgetti’s photo injected humour and a sense of adventure into the Nautilus/Inmarsat Photo Competition this year and shows how much fun a seafaring career can be.

Third place - Luke Short's mooring operations image

'Congratulations to all the winners for their stunning pictures of life onboard, which showcase the breadth and depth of skills and experience in the industry, and which remains vital for world trade and global prosperity.'

Mr Giorgetti, from Largs in North Ayrshire said: 'I am honoured that Nautilus has chosen my picture as the winner. I feel it shows one of the many diverse jobs that we seafarers undertake as part of our role onboard every vessel.'


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