
Take our regular surveys

Your participation in our regular specialist maritime surveys is essential to our work giving voice to the needs and wishes of our seafaring community.

Statistics about the quantity, health and working conditions of seafarers are far and few between – often a reflection of 'sea-blindness'.

The surveys also inform our campaigns and Union policy, and contribute to our work with other industry bodies to ensure we are meeting members' needs.

Survey findings are reported to the Union's governing Council, or one of our national committees if appropriate. The findings are also shared with other members, the wider shipping industry, and relevant government bodies through publication in the Nautilus Telegraph or in separate reports.

In addition, we sometimes give members the opportunity to take part in maritime surveys run by external research bodies – particularly when those surveys are organised by Nautilus members.

To speak to Nautilus about collaborating on a survey, please contact the Communications department at

Latest surveys

Crew repatriaton survey

Nautilus is seeking input into its research on seafarers' experiences of crew change. As part of the Union's efforts to alleviate the global crew change crisis, Nautilus is working with the UK Government and UK Chamber of Shipping to develop solutions to assist seafarers who need repatriation.
  • please take this short Crew Change survey, so that we have up to date information on the numbers of seafarers that are affected and the ports which are most affected. 

Cadet training survey

Nautilus International has launched a new survey of maritime professionals to find out more about their training experience. It is being conducted in collaboration with the Maritime Skills Commission (MSC), which has established a working group to examine cadet training.

Ideally, participants will have left Maritime Training within the last five years, but we would welcome response from those who have left training some time ago as well as those currently in training.

  • please take 10 minutes to complete the survey. It will help us both review the UK government’s Support for Maritime Training (SMarT) programme, and provide a wider scope for considering a range of likely future technological changes and needs of future ship's officers, as well as looking at how someone becomes a cadet and the practicalities of their training.

Maritime training

Nautilus Council member Ross Cleland is collecting data for his university thesis, which is centred around improving the effectiveness of maritime training for the modern age. Ross is in the final stage of completing a degree in Sustainable Maritime Operations with Plymouth University in conjunction with the Maritime Learning Alliance.

  • please take five minutes to complete the confidential Google docs survey. No personal data will be collected.

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