Branch conferences

24 November 2020 14:00 - 16:00

UK Branch Conference 2020

Venue: Register to attend online

Formal notice for the UK Branch Conference

In the light of ongoing pandemic restrictions, it has been decided that the Nautilus UK Branch Conference will be held online.

The conference is open to all full members of Nautilus based in the UK. The meeting takes place on Tuesday 24 November and is due to commence at 14:00hrs after the UK Committee being held in the morning.

The meeting will receive the UK Branch Conference report, and attendees will debate and vote on any motions submitted by the deadline of 23 October 2020.

Members wishing to move motions at the meeting must submit them in writing, signed by at least four full members whose contributions have been paid up, to reach head office by no later than 17:00hrs on Friday 23 October. A motion proposal form is now available via the Membership resources Forms section by logging in to My Nautilus.

Any member with questions can contact

  • Register now to attend the UK Branch on 24 November. (Members: have your membership details handy for conference attendance).

Agenda UK Branch Conference

10:30 to 12:00 UK Committee meeting

14:00 to 16:00 UK Branch Conference being held online

Register now for the UK Branch conference
Callout Image

Motions form

Full members can submit a motion to the Nautilus UK Branch Meeting 2020 by logging in to the My Nautilus members' section and downloading this form. Ensure it is signed and submitted before Friday 23rd October 2020.

UK Branch motion form

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