Branch conferences

02 October 2018 13:00 - 17:00

Fair Treatment Symposium

Venue: Holiday Inn, Liverpool, UK. Register now for this high-level industry symposium tackling the continued threat of criminalisation.

Fair treatment of seafarers  will be the theme of the symposium following the Nautilus UK branch conference.

A special panel of industry experts will be on hand to discuss the continued threat of criminalisation of the maritime profession. The final line up of speakers are Natalie Beswetherick OBE, director of practice and development at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP); Seafarers’ Rights International head Deirdre Fitzpatrick; International Transport Workers’ Federation maritime coordinator Jacqueline Smith; and Helen Kelly of Lloyd’s List. They will lead discussions on one of the most important issues facing maritime professionals today.

The event – which is being held at the Holiday Inn, Liverpool – will be attended by guests from across the maritime sector, and by members attending the UK branch conference earlier in the day.

  • Please also take a few minutes to complete our new updated Fair treatment survey  on how criminalisation is affecting seafarers and what we can do to provide more help.

About the speakers

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About Natalie Beswetherick OBE MCSP MBA FCSP

Currently works at: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)
Job title: Director of Practice & Development
Experience: Natalie has held the post since 2010. Her directorate provides expert advice and services to members and external stakeholders covering the breadth of practice in the profession - including research, education and clinical practice. Her areas of current interest are; how the profession can learn from medical malpractice claims of alleged harm against physiotherapists in the UK, to reduce risk of future claims, and the development of future leaders in the profession.
Previously, Natalie worked in the National Health Service (NHS) as a Senior Manager at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for Trauma and Orthopaedic, Physiotherapy and Orthotic services.

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About Deidre Fitzpatrick

Currently works at: Seafarers' Rights International
Job Title: Executive director
Experience: Deidre Fitzpatrick is a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales and is dual qualified in Ireland.
She joined the ITF in 1994 to head up its legal services department, and has considerable experience in the protection and enforcement of seafarers' legal rights.
Currently serving as executive director of Seafarers' Rights International - an organisation she founded in 2010 – Deirdre is well practised in securing justice for seafarers.
She is also co-editor of 'Seafarers' Rights' (published by Oxford University Press in 2005) which provides a detailed analysis of the legal rights of seafarers, and the legal systems of key seafaring nations and port states.

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About Jacquie Smith

Currently works at: International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF)
Job Title: Maritime coordinator
Experience: Jacquie Smith's has extensive experience of fair treatment for seafarers globally and before joining the ITF she led the Norwegian Seafarers' Union (NSU) and its 11,000 members for almost eight years.
Jacquie began her career as a croupier with the Norwegian ferry company Color Line and became an active member of the NSU. In 1992, as a shop steward, she secured a collective bargaining agreement for concessionaries - a first for the NSU. She went on to work for the union, dealing with cruiseship members though the service office in Miami. In 1998 she was elected as a delegate to congress, then as a deputy on the national board.
This followed with an invitation to be the assistant director dealing with cruise ships at the Miami office in the United States.

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About Helen Kelly

Currently works at: Lloyds List
Job title: Europe editor-in-chief
Experience: Helen Kelly maintains operational control over all Lloyd's List editorial products, ensuring they are delivered to the highest standards, and develops new products and content across Lloyd's List.
She also manages a team of international journalists and editors in more than six countries and coordinates content from around the globe. Before becoming a shipping analyst, Helen worked as a broadcast and print journalist and editor at a number of well-known UK news organisations including The Guardian, The Telegraph and Trinity Mirror.

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Support our Fair Treatment campaign

Members and the wider maritime industry in the UK  joined Nautilus for a Symposium on the Fair Treatment of seafarers after maritime accidents, on 2 October 2018.  

But it is not too late to give your views. Can you spare five minutes to fill in the Nautilus Federation survey on criminalisation and the fair treatment of seafarers? Great, click the link to the survey.

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